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The Score Calculator Online
A ready reckoner for music typesetters


Using SCOREcalc is simple enough: Placing known data in the fields causes the program to calculate the data you may require. If you know the size of your stave length, the program converts this to inches. If you know the inches you wish to fill, the program converts the inches to stave length in Score units. If you wish to apply a reduction or enlargement to your output, the program calculates the horizontal width of your output. If you wish to fit your music to a given width, then the program calculates the reduction or enlargement required. You may enter data into any field.
Here follows a description of each field:

JobRef (Alpha-numeric field)

Here you have the option to enter text that helps to identify your calculation. This text might be the name of your current publishing project, music work, or a name for the category of music illustrations, for example 'Key signatures' or 'Very short rhythms'. This field holds around 200 characters so your text can be longer than a tweet! After entering your data, press the TAB key to move to the next field.

StaveLength (Numeric field)

This field accepts numeric data. Usually the range is between 0 and 200 Score units. You may enter floats with up to four places after the decimal point. 200 Score units = 7.5 inches. After entering your data, press the TAB key to move to the next field. This causes the program to (re)calculate.

Inches (Numeric field)

If you do not know the Score units but you do know the measurement in inches of the space you wish to fill with your music illustration, use this field first. This field accepts numeric data. Usually the range is between 1 and 7.5 inches. You may enter floats with up to four places after the decimal point. 7.5 inches = 200 Score units.

PrintSize (Numeric field)

This field accepts an entry such as '1' for full size, '.9' for a 90% reduction or '2' for a 2 X enlargement. This is useful to change from American paper sizes to European paper sizes when printing or to apply a percentage reduction while positioning an EPS file within the page of a document in a layout program such as Adobe Indesign or Corel Ventura Publisher. Usually, such values are maintained for the entirety of a long document so design style remains consistent throughout.

PrintedWidth (Numeric field)

This field calculates the width of the music if a value has been inserted in the PrintSize field.
However, if you enter a value for your intended width, then the PrintSize field is recalculated to display the reduction or enlargement required.

Printer-friendly listing (Button)

Pressing this button causes the values in the above fields to be presented in a freshly generated webpage in a printable fashion. If you wish, you may copy and paste the data into your stylesheet document in your word processor.

Fresh start (Button)

Pressing this button resets the form or empties the fields of your data so you can start over.

Privacy Statement

Other than what is required for normal internet functioning, no effort is made to remember or catch either your IP address or any of the data you enter in the fields on the SCOREcalc pages. Your data is not saved on our server. Feel welcome to try this out as often as you like.