Appointment Confirmation Form

This is a pre-arrival digital sign-in which will save time during your appointment. The details here recorded will be used for contact tracing if required. They will not be used for any other reason, nor passed to any third party for commercial or email advertising (spam).

I/we wish to visit your address by appointment as arranged for

Enter the date of your appointment dd/mm/yy
Enter the time of your appointment hh:mm
Select one option that describes your meeting

Meetings limited to four for social distancing during the pandemic.

Please use international format

Please answer with care...

If you can't make all of the following assertions, please stay at home. Phone 01-842 2463 to give notice of absence. If you have to miss an individual lesson due to COVID-19, perhaps you can avail of a Video Performance Report instead. (See details in our Covid-19 Protocol document).

If you can't make all of the following assertions, please stay at home. Phone 01-842 2463 to give notice of absence.
We hope you will be able to make the next class!

If you can't make all of the following assertions, please stay at home. We will accomodate you with a new appointment when you are ready.
It is wiser to cancel the meeting rather than risk passing the COVID-19 virus to others who may visit after you.
Please phone 01-842 2463 if you must re-arrange.

All fine! :)
Thank you for considering others who will visit after you.
We look forward to meeting you!

This is required to make the form work
This proves you are human!